Friday, July 2, 2010

The Momentum

So for all of January to pretty much beginning of May, I didn't know what was going to happen. I kept looking for signs to see if God's answer has come:

-I was extended until the end of July with the possibility of even longer later on. -- Oh, guess God doesn't want me to do it...
-Or you can also take it as, Oh, guess God wants me to do it cuz He's giving me more money!

-I was rejected from the Russia volunteer grant in February. -- Well that one was a clear no to me.

-I registered for the ISC in Manila in March. --That was always a yes from God. =)

-Advices, encouragements, opinions, warnings and concerns from family and friends that flipped me back and forth over and over again.

What to do?! So I kept praying and fasting and waiting...

The greatest thing about going through the hump, is what happens afterwards! (if you go THROUGH it, and not back from it!) Have you ever driven over a hill? It takes more power to climb it but once you're over it you find yourself going faster, gathering up momentum! Well that's what happened to me...after awhile, the dream just started to fall in place...

-In May, I was accepted to the volunteering with HOPE Philippines.
-By then the circumstances were also a little bit better and the focus was more on what would be better for me spiritually than the circumstances. So I decided to go for the Steps of Apostles cruise.
-Just when I was ready to give up on finding a travel buddy for my Europe trip, God sent me someone that wanted to travel to the same places and vacations the same way as me (which is a go, go, go. See, see, see attitude).
-I went to Dominican Republic for vacation and found out my Spanish was in better shape than I thought! I was invited/challenged/called/etc to come back to help with the missions planting in Romana, DR.
-I went to the HOPE Summit service in May and met a doctor from the Sihanouk Hospital Center for HOPE (a free hospital in Cambodia that attends to the medical services of the poor and needy in Cambodia). I decided to apply to volunteer there and I got an acceptance from them this past June.

It's pretty exciting. You can clearly tell when God's hand is on a specific situation...things just happen....not because you forced it to happen, but just because....

So here I am now, finalizing the details for the path that God wanted me to take. And enjoying this life to the full with God! =)

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