Monday, June 28, 2010

So why a blog?

"I sometimes hold it half a sin,
To put in words the grief I feel.
For words, like Nature, half reveal,
And half conceal the soul within."
-Tennyson, In Memoriam

If you know me well enough, you'd know that I hate writing journals. In my possession are numerous unfinished journals with sporadic entries...So I've definitely put some serious effort into it...and failed! But I hate writing! I've hated it as far back as middle school! Not because I don't know what to say, or it's hard to find the time, or I don't find it helpful, no....I've written my share (very small share!) of poems and stories and pages of raw journal entries. In fact, I've found that writing helps me clear my system of thoughts and emotions and gives me back my sanity! But see, for me, a journal (a successful, consistent one anyways) shows the history of a person, the whole of a person, if you will (or at least what they've decided to reveal). And that has always been an intimidating thought for me....

So why a blog? Well it's entirely because of this adventure I'll embark on 5 weeks from now. For 3 months, I'll be traveling to different countries in Asia to the Caribbean to Europe to Africa to the Middle East. Sounds exciting, right?! Well if it doesn't to you, it most definitely does to me!! So...for me to remember this wonderful voyage and to keep my family and friends in the loop of the things going on with me even though I may be in the whole other side of the world, I've decided to write this blog.....After all, I hate having to repeat myself, so having my stories and experiences in this blog ought to minimize people asking me the same things over and over. =D

So please bear with me as I find my writer's voice and try to reveal myself to you (whoever YOU may be!) through this blog! Let's hope and pray I will be consistent with this blog and see it all the way through! =)

Oh and a Happy Birthday to Mhinnie today! =D

So....until August gets here, why don't we start with some flashbacks.....