Monday, July 12, 2010

What the Cross means to me...

For yesterday's service, I was asked to share what the Cross means to me to add to a brother's message for communion. It was a great privilege! I have to tell you the truth though I was very nervous. I always seem to tremble when I'm speaking in front of people! But I remember praying to God and for me to be able to share from my heart boldly. And He blessed it! As I stood there and started sharing my story, I was in awe and gratitude of what God has done in my life. Here's what I was able to share, with a little bit more extra as I'm not in a time constraint in a blog =P

I've been a Christian for 5 years.

Before I became a Christian, people would describe me as having a "perfect" life...I went to a great college, had a great family, was offered a full time position at one of the top investment banking firms in NYC while I was still in my senior year. I had it good, or so most people would think. But to me, and God, I didn't have a "perfect" life. I had a double empty life. I went after work, relationships, alcohol, clubbing -- thinking these would satisfy me, would fill up the emptiness that I was feeling inside....But they didn't. Instead they left me feeling more empty...more dissatisfied...more alone...more hopeless.

So to me what the Cross means is a new life, a life to the full with God. The Cross means having JESUS be more than enough for me, and not looking for satisfaction in relationships or alcohol or working myself to death. It means having a transparent life, free from guilt of deceit or needing approval from people. It means truly enjoying life to the full: seeing the change that God can do in my life, being able to travel and serve, going to retreats and meeting other Christians from all over the world and seeing the miracles that God has done in their lives also.

In John 10:10, the Bible reads: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

I'm so grateful for the Cross and for Jesus giving me the opportunity to have a life to the full with Him!